Our Poland board game 01007
- The board game "Our Poland" connects generations, offering fun and education about Polish history for the whole family.
A game that connects generations
The board game Nasza Polska is a unique product created by JAWA, intended for people over 8 years of age. Prepared for the 100th anniversary of Poland's independence, to connect generations in one fun and education. The game involves moving pieces from the Start field towards the Finish Line, during which players can gain knowledge about the history of Poland and its important events.
How to play?
Players start at the Start box and work towards the Finish Line by drawing Question Cards divided into four periods:
- Regaining independence and the Battle of Warsaw
- World War II and Occupation
- The times of the Polish People's Republic
- Solidarity and Poland's entry into the Union
Under each question there are three answers, one of which is correct. After answering, players receive a fixed amount of Polish Marks. When a player does not know the answer, he or she can buy a hint for an appropriate amount or discard one incorrect answer.
Rules of the game
The first person to reach the FINISH stops the game. At this point, the money collected by each player is counted. The winner is the one who collects the most Polish Marks. Team games can be introduced for larger numbers of players.
An unforgettable learning experience
This product guarantees extraordinary fun and education, emphasizing shared experience and learning as a family. The game has been carefully created to be friendly to players of all ages while creating a valuable learning experience.
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