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Balance bikes

( number of products: 3 )

Balance bikes for children, available in the online toy store Yupi.pl is not only a great idea for outdoor fun, but also a key element in the motor and coordination development of every child. Designed with little users in mind, these innovative balance bikes are the perfect introduction to the world of two-wheeled adventures, preparing little ones for their future riding on a classic pedal bike.

Selection of balance bikes in our store

On the website of the online toy store Yupi.pl, in the "Balance bikes" category, there is a wide selection of balance bikes for children. These bikes are available in various colors and styles, which allows them to be adjusted to the individual preferences of each child. The store's offer includes models from various manufacturers, including Black & Decker and Kinderkraft, which proves the diversity and quality of available products.

The balance bike is ideal for children aged 18 months to 3 years, which shows that it is adapted to the needs of the youngest users. Small balance bikes are designed with the child's safety and comfort in mind, which is crucial when choosing the first bike. Thanks to them, children can develop their motor skills, learning to maintain balance and coordinate movements, which is extremely important in their development.

Balance bikes from the Yupi.pl offer are available in various color variants, which allows you to choose the bike that your child will like the most. Models are available in colors such as red, pink, black, yellow and green, which means that every child can find something for themselves. Some models are equipped with additional accessories, such as a basket, which adds functionality and charm.

Advantages of balance bikes for children

  1. Development of Motor Skills and Balance: Balance bikes are invaluable in learning balance. Children, starting with simple pushing with their legs and gradually moving to faster riding, developmotor coordination, which is necessary in the later stage of learning to ride a bike with pedals.

  2. Safety and Confidence: The lack of pedals on balance bikes allows children to focus solely on maintaining balance, which significantly increases their safety. Thanks to this, children gain self-confidence faster, which is crucial when learning to ride a bike.

  3. Ergonomics and Comfort: Balance bikes are light and ergonomically designed. Comfortable saddle, adjustable height and handlebar height allow you to adjust the bike to the child's height and needs, ensuring comfort and convenience while riding even for taller children.

  4. Variety of Models: The offer of the Yupi.pl store includes various models of balance bikes, from small balance bikes for the youngest to larger models for slightly older children. The variety of colors and patterns means that every child will find something for themselves.

  5. Supporting Physical Activity: Balance bikes encourage outdoor activity, which is extremely important for the child's healthy development. Riding a balance bike is a great way to develop your entire body and improve your fitness.

  6. Preparation for Riding a Classic Bicycle: Children who start their adventure with two wheels on balance bikes usually learn to ride a classic bike with pedals faster and easier. Balance bikes perfectly prepare children for future challenges, teaching them the basic skills necessary for cycling.

  7. Long-lasting Fun and Educational Value: Balance bikes are not only a toy, but also an educational tool. Children learn through play, developing their motor skills, balance and coordination. It is an investment in the child's development that brings benefits in both the short and long term.

  8. Perfect Gift for Children of All Ages: Balance bikes are a perfect gift for children of all ages. These are toys that grow with the child, adapting to their skills and needs.

The first balance bike - how to use it?

1. Choosing the Right Bike

The first step is to choose a balance bike appropriate to the child's height and skills. Make sure that your toddler can freely touch the ground with both feet while sitting on the saddle. This will provide him with stability and a sense of security while driving.

2. Customizing the Bike

Before the first ride, adjust the bike to the child's needs. This means adjusting the height of the saddle so that the child can sit comfortably and touch the ground with both feet. The height of the steering wheel should also be adjusted so that the child can maneuver it freely.

3. Learning to Maintain Balance

The basic purpose of a balance bike is to learn how to maintain balance. When sitting on a bicycle, a child should push off the ground with his feet and then try to maintain balance by lifting his feet. In the initial phase, your toddler may often put his feet on the ground, but over time he will become more confident and will be able to maintain his balance without having to rely on it for longer.

4. Direction and Speed ​​Control

The child also learns to control the direction and speed of driving. Maneuvering the steering wheel allows you to change direction, and with your feet your child can control the speed, both accelerating and decelerating.

5. Security

Safety is key, so it is worth ensuring that your child has a helmet and appropriate protectors. You should also make sure that the bike is technically sound - all screws are tightened and the handlebar and saddle are stable.

6. Fun and Learning

A balance bike is not only learning, but also great fun. Children can use them on walks, in the park or in the yard, increasing self-confidence and taking care of their motor development.

7. Switching to a Bicycle with Pedals

After mastering riding a balance bike, your child will be ready to switch to a classic bike with pedals. Thanks to the ability to maintain balance, learning to ride a full-size bike will be much easier and more enjoyable.


The balance bike available in the Yupi.pl store is more than just a toy. These are tools that support a child's development by teaching him new skills, building his self-confidence and encouraging him to be active outdoors. Thanks to the variety of models, every child can find the perfect balance bike that will accompany them in their first steps towards independence and adventures on two wheels. It is an excellent choice for parents who want to ensure their children's healthy development, safety and joy of active play.
