Numbers Rummy De Luxe Board Game 03772
- Discover Numbers Rummy De Luxe – an exciting board game for children that develops mathematical and strategic skills!
Higher Level of Initiation in the Classic Game
Discover a new version of the popular 3-digit sequence game. Instead of cards, use numbered boards to create sequences of numbers up to the number 17. The game also includes "Jokers" dice that can replace any number. The goal is to get rid of your tablets as quickly as possible by using the best strategy and a bit of luck.
Package Contents
- 136 numbered dice
- 4 joker dice
- 4 spare dice
- 10 shelves
- Sack
- Instruction
Numbers Rummy De Luxe Board Game
Numbers Rummy De Luxe is a board game intended for children from 8 years of age. It involves composing numerical sequences consisting of three digits, using numbered dice instead of traditional cards. Players try to get rid of their dice as quickly as possible, using "Joker" dice, which can replace any number in the sequence.
Dimensions and Weight
- Package dimensions: 30.5 cm x 29.5 cm x 7.5 cm
- Package weight: 0.74 kg
- Dimensions of collective packaging: 38 cm x 39 cm x 30.5 cm
- Weight of collective packaging: 4.64 kg
Number of Elements and Players
- Number of elements: 156
- Number of players: 2-4 people
Age Rating
- Age: 8 years
The De Luxe Numbers Rummy game is an ideal educational toy that develops children's mathematical and strategic skills.