ALEXANDER Number rummy mini puzzle game 13429
- Discover the next level in the classic puzzle game! Number rummy is dynamic fun for the whole family, perfect for any occasion.
A higher level of initiation into the classic puzzle game
A higher level of initiation into the classic game popular all over the world, which involves composing a sequence of 3 numbers. In the game, the cards were replaced by numbered plates.
Number sequences up to 17
Strings of numbers are arranged up to the digit 17, and players also use "Joker" dice, which can replace any digit. The participants of the game, in accordance with the rules of the game, try to get rid of their tablets as quickly as possible. Whoever uses the best strategy and has some luck will be the winner.
A small, handy box
A small, handy box allows you to take the game with you literally everywhere.
ALEXANDER Number rummy mini puzzle game
Mini Number Rummy is a small, handy puzzle game designed for the whole family. Contains 136 number plates and 4 special "Joker" plates. The game allows for quick games that last up to 1 hour. Players try to get rid of their cards using the rules of the game, which makes it an interesting and dynamic entertainment for all family members.
Age category